Sudan is in crisis. You can help.

In Sudan, a devastating conflict is raging. It's impacting the lives of countless individuals, particularly when it comes to education. But we at Windle Trust International are steadfast in our commitment to the power of education and to the people of Sudan.

Education Brings Hope

The power of education.

Education is a powerful tool for peace, resilience, and recovery, especially in conflict-ridden regions like Sudan. Education is a human right. The current conflict has displaced countless individuals, increasing the barriers to education. However, we are committed to ensuring that the children and young adults of Sudan do not fall victim to an education gap due to this conflict. We are working tirelessly to ensure that Sudanese nationals, refugees, and other marginalized individuals in the region continue to access quality education.

You can make a difference. Give now to support education in Sudan

What are we doing?

Our work with scholars across 42 universities, colleges, and seven refugee community schools in Khartoum has been suspended due to the conflict. However, our operations in the Blue Nile region of Sudan continue. We are supporting schools and Ethiopian refugees in Camp6, delivering education to Internally Displaced People and host communities in the Kurmuk and Geissan localities of Blue Nile State. We are also monitoring the influx of Sudanese refugees into South Sudan and the thousands of South Sudanese returnees arriving from Sudan in Renk in preparation to support. As more and more people are displaced, both within Sudan and to countries neighbouring Sudan, this work will become increasingly important.

We can’t work alone

We would like to thank all our supporters who have stood with us in these difficult times. Your belief in our mission and your continued support have been instrumental in our work. As we navigate these challenging circumstances, we are motivated by our shared commitment to education and the belief that every individual deserves the chance to learn, grow, and contribute positively to their community. We remain hopeful for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Sudan and will continue to advocate for the rights and opportunities of all those affected by it. As always, we are committed to ensuring that education remains accessible to all, regardless of the circumstances because education cannot wait for the conflict to end.

Now more than ever, we need your help. Every individual deserves the chance to learn, grow, and contribute positively to their community. With your support, we can continue to make education accessible to all, regardless of the circumstances.

Please consider making a donation to support our work in Sudan.

Every contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by this conflict, providing vital opportunities to those in Sudan and those arriving as refugees and returnees in South Sudan. Together, we can make a difference.

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